Little Futures is a near futures explorers club written by Brian Dell & Tom Critchlow.
Welcome to Little Futures season 2!
Tom and Brian here…
We started Little Futures in 2019 as a short-run newsletter experiment to create some interesting connections between ideas and provocations we’ve both been wanting to make. We wrote about corporate spacetime, learning as change, why language is a problem, the power of play, how strategy is memory, and the role of practical nonsense in innovation.
It was fun! So we’re bringing it back to life!
What are little futures? What is Little Futures? Well…
Big Futures™ are abstract, authoritarian and empty. “Seeing like a futurist,” if you will. These visions are over-polished, technology-obsessed, and disconnected from reality because they are disconnected from people. For organizations, they tend to be more paralyzing than productive. They portend change without agency. They are done to you, not through you.
Little Futures is about bringing the future within arm’s reach. It’s as much about behavior as it is the tools that amplify, dampen, and reshape it. It’s ways of thinking, ways of doing, and, hopefully, useful provocations for businesses and leaders grappling with the futures they need to be building out today.
Season 2 begins next week with the first of a series of 6 emails, sent weekly, alternating between Brian and Tom.
Before the Big Future, endless little futures…
Join the club,
Brian & Tom
Artwork: The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali